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User Groups


Group Your Users

  • Add descriptions to user groups
  • Assign colors to user groups
  • View all users in a group
  • Add users to more than one group at a time

The User Groups plugin does not modify user capabilities, limit access, or anything like that. This plugin does one thing, and does it well: create groups and organize your users by that group.

Works beautifully with the Rich Text Tags plugin for adding WYSIWYG descriptions to the User Groups.

Slike ekrana

  • The User Groups screen is just like the Categories screen, but with a color selector!
  • View all users in a group, as well as the group description
  • Edit the Group once it is created
  • How the user groups look in the User Profile screen


  1. Upload the User Groups plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktivirajte plugin koristeći WordPressov meni ‘Plugini’
  3. Create User Groups by going to Users > Groups
  4. Add users to an User Group by visiting their profile page and selecting checkboxes of the groups you'd like to add them to


Does this plugin limit user access to (anything)



3. Septembra 2016.
I installed it according to instructions. It reports that there are no groups (yet?). It will not let me use any of it's functions because I am “not authorized”. No easy to find instructions provided for authorizing the first (admin) user… Oh well…
Read all 9 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“User Groups” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Zapis promijena

1.3 & 1.3.1 on April 11, 2016

  • Fixed: User Groups lost when users update own profile
  • Fixed: Compatibility with WordPress 4.2 – 4.5
  • Added: Translation strings
  • Fixed: Additional sanitization
  • Fixed: Colorpicker in Edit User Group screen

1.2.2 on June 11, 2015

  • Fixed: PHP notices
  • Fixed: When a User Group color wasn't set, the group would not display in the Users table column
  • Fixed: Potential security issue with add_query_arg()learn more (please update!)


  • Implemented fix for a few bugs reported on WordPress Codex
  • Fixed: User Groups with no users are viewable



  • Added bulk editing of user groups


  • Liftoff!