Polr is a quick, modern, and open-source link shortener. This plugin allows you to use Polr service in WordPress.
Polr software is a good way to shorten the long urls. Now you can use it very fast inside your WordPress for your posts.
Plugin Features
- Shorten url of posts.
- Github: Polr WordPress Plugin
Slike ekrana
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
- Use the Settings->Polr screen to configure the plugin
Saradnici i programeri
“Polr WordPress Plugin” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Doprinositelji“Polr WordPress Plugin” je prijeveden na 2 dijalekta. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
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Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.